
Becoming a Member


Check out membership requirements to see what is required to become a member, as well as an overview of our fee schedule, and download our member application!

As a member of the leading association representing attractions in Ontario, you will benefit from being a part of two exceptionally effective co-operative marketing programs: the Passport Magazine and Coupon Book and the Attractions Ontario Web site. These initiatives are designed to encourage residents and tourists to visit Ontario attractions and they offer a significant opportunity to partner both with member venues and with corporate sponsors committed to the growth of tourism across the province. Your membership entitles you to free listings in each of these dynamic, high exposure mediums, as well as the ability to augment your listings with special advertising offers available only to our members.

Passport Magazine and Coupon Book

As a member, you will receive a free listing in the digital Passport Magazine and Coupon Book.
This Attractions Ontario annual publication is THE guide to attractions in Ontario. Our guide has the extensive exposure with a distribution of 200k print magazines, and over 2 million digital copies!

The Passport Magazine:

Is a full-colour consumer friendly magazine featuring regional listings of all our member attractions, with alluring images of Ontario and supplementary regional event listings.

  • Has a proven success record over the since 1987 as the most popular resource for people planning vacations in Ontario
  • Provides the consumer with the added value of coupon savings
  • 200k printed copies distributed and digital distribution of over 2 million
  • Will provide your attraction with increased exposure and public awareness and ultimately, improved attendance

Are We There Yet? Ontario’s Field Trip Planner for Educators

  • Province-wide publication designed to present quality, curriculum-based educational programs to teachers and youth group leaders across Ontario.
  • Distributed in print as well as a digital version which comes directly to teachers via internal e-mail, our guide is currently being distributed on our behalf by 53 different school boards.

Attractions Ontario Web Site

As a member, you will receive a free listing on the Attractions Ontario Web site, one of the most visited tourism pages in Ontario, as well as many other benefits:

  • Free online listings for members – web users can search for your attraction by region and category. Special section for Affiliate members, and DMO and RTO members have expanded listings.
  • Free links to your website, events, social media, and low cost advertising
  • Free and unlimited program and event listings on our Special Event Calendar and Attractions News
  • Reach millions of consumers looking for things to see and do in Ontario
  • Exclusive opportunities to participate in our radio, online and social media contests and promotions, most of which are free to participate in with the submission of a prize.
  • Free listing in our Holiday Gift Guide, and the opportunity to present your Attraction during our annual virtual Holiday Showcase

Membership Services

In addition to the Passport, Education Guide and Web programs, we provide a number of other member services:

  • Reciprocal Admissions Program:
    Our province-wide reciprocal admissions program allows you and your staff to visit other member attractions at complimentary or reduced rates. Although optional, we had over half our membership participating in this program in 2024!
  • Influencer visits: Access to our vetted influencers and content creators, as well as partial funding 


Attractions Ontario works closely with the Tourism Industry Association of Ontario (TIAO), the umbrella organization for the leading associations, destination marketing organizations, and regional tourism

organizations serving Ontario’s diverse tourism industry. TIAO collectively represents the thousands of businesses and employees that are dedicated to promoting and operating Ontario’s tourism industry.

Recently Attractions Ontario started the Canadian Attractions Network, dedicated to fostering resilience within the attractions sector. Our focus is twofold: advocating for policy changes and legislation that nurture the tourism industry and cultivating a network of strategic alliances.

Annual Conference

Our Annual Conference provides a forum for voicing issues and is also an excellent means of professional development, where members are invited to both lead and attend special educational sessions. It is the perfect opportunity to engage with others in your trade, to create relationships, and to encourage innovation within our industry.

Ontario’s Choice Awards

No-cost access to participate in Ontario’s Choice Awards, includes free promotion


As a member, you will receive a newsletter each month that keeps you informed about matters affecting the attractions sector of the tourism industry. We also provide helpful information on marketing programs, training and education, research, advocacy issues, member benefits and new members.

Membership Requirements



Our Attraction Member category is reserved for the attractions sector and is open to businesses which fit the below definition of an “Attraction”.

What Is An “Attraction”?

An attraction is defined as a natural site, a man made facility, an establishment or an area that generates visitation by providing an opportunity for individuals to participate in one or more of the following activities/experiences:

  • Aboriginal and Cultural
  • Aerial Sports
  • Amusement/Theme Parks
  • Animal Park/Aquarium/Zoo
  • Art Gallery/Museum
  • Casinos & Gaming
  • Heritage and Educational
  • Eco & Nature Centres/Parks/Gardens/Trails
  • Entertainment Complexes/Sites
  • Events & Festivals
  • Golf
  • Historic Sites
  • Performing Arts & Entertainment
  • Shopping
  • Spas
  • Sports/Outdoor Activity
  • Touring/Cruising
  • Water Adventure
  • Winery/Brewery

Membership Fees

Full Membership

Membership dues are based on the annual admissions or attendance at each attraction.


Annual Admission/Attendance Annual Membership Dues
Under 15,000 or additional listing $150
15,001 – 50,000 $250
50,001 – 99,999 $400
100,000 – 199,999 $500
200,000 – 399,999 $675
400,000 – 1,000,000 $900
Over 1,000,000 $1,200


Membership fees are payable on January 1st of each year. The first year of membership will be pro-rated from the first of the month in which you join. Annual renewals are automatic unless written notice of cancellation is received by December 1st of each year. Please note, for those attractions that have more than one site, membership dues include the listing of only one site in the digital Passport Magazine and on our Web site. An additional fee of $150 per site applies should you wish to list extra venues.

For Other Tourism Related Businesses

Destination Marketing Organizations (DMO) & Regional Tourist Organizations (RTO) Membership

DMO  Members, by our definition, are representatives of an organization that markets and promotes tourism within a specific geographic area such as a town, city or region as a representative of a cluster or group of tourism businesses. Examples of DMOs include municipalities, chambers of commerce, convention & visitor bureaus, regional tourism associations and tourism offices.

DMO or RTO Membership dues cost $600 per year. DMO Membership includes a free text listing in the digital Passport Magazine, exclusive advertising opportunities, an expanded listing on our website which gives added visibility to attractions in your region, invitation to the AGM, access to our research and advocacy, promotion of regional events, free distribution of your marketing materials, and co-operative advertising opportunities.

Email to find out if your organization qualifies.

Affiliate Membership

Affiliate membership is available to organizations and groups with the object of providing a product or service to the Ontario tourism industry including but not limited to suppliers, hotels, tour operators and educational institutions. This can include governmental, semi-governmental or private corporations.

A $450 annual fee applies to those organizations wishing to become an affiliate member of Attractions Ontario (available only to non-attractions). Affiliate members have the unique opportunity to participate in various programs and are able to take advantage of some of our membership services. Exclusive sponsorship opportunities for affiliate members are available throughout the year. Please contact Attractions Ontario at for more details about the next upcoming opportunity.


Membership Application


Download our membership kit, which includes our Member Application as well as an overview of our main member benefits.

Send us the filled out application and get your membership started right away!

The application can be sent to

Membership Application

Member Benefit Kit

What Our Members Say


“As a membership based organization, working with Attractions Ontario provides us with a great platform to highlight our members through contesting and promotional opportunities throughout the year. Attractions Ontario gives us the ability to add value for our members, and is specifically great at helping us highlight our family focused attractions.”
Sofie Sharom, Marketing Coordinator
Ottawa Tourism


“Both full-time and part-time staff at Scenic Caves Nature Adventures unanimously agree that the Attractions Ontario reciprocal program is a terrific employment perk. Each year we excitedly thumb through the offerings, deciding what to explore next. The program is well utilized.  A lot of our staff are students and the Program makes exploring the Province within their reach.

It makes our staff feel proud to be aligned with a larger complement of Attractions. We always receive a warm welcome and acknowledgement of respect from participating organizations when we show our proof of employment.

Visiting other tourism operators is also a great learning experience.  One always sees ways to improve one’s own operation.  Sharing best practices is one of the many reasons we value our membership with Attractions Ontario.”
Linda Service, Vice President Marketing and Business Development
Scenic Caves Nature Adventures

“Attractions Ontario offers great advertising and marketing opportunities, for all attractions.  Even with a relatively small budget, AO has been able to help us promote our brand and services, whether it be through their Attractions Passport magazine (coupons) or website banner ads.  AO has a number of cost effective opportunities for various market segments, including the consumer and education market.   We’ve been a member for a number of years and are very happy with their programs and results.  They are also a pleasure to work with and always keep us in the loop.  We will continue using their services as we grow and develop our business.”
Jason Rizzuti, Managing Partner
Go Tours Canada