
Attractions Ontario workshop and consulting offerings

We’re eager to unveil a series of enriching workshops and specialized services at Attractions Ontario, designed to empower tourism professionals with the tools and insights needed for success. Whether you want to refine your business strategy, enhance marketing efforts, or develop your leadership skills, our expert-led sessions offer valuable resources to help you thrive in the dynamic tourism industry. Discover the full details of our offerings below and see how you can transform your approach and achieve outstanding results in your ventures. Join us to elevate your potential and contribute to Ontario’s tourism growth.



Navigating the Field Trip Market

Ontario Teachers and School Boards are constantly looking for ways to amplify their curriculum yearly by incorporating Field Trips, but what exactly do they look for? How can you make them aware of you?

This workshop will discuss those questions and many more to help increase school visits and ensure you are best prepared for them.

Phil Casey has over 20 years of working with Boards and educators province-wide and has been an education market adviser for attractions.


Partnerships in Tourism: Why They Work and Where To Start

Creating partnerships is vital to the health of the Tourism Industry, but where do you start? Who do you approach?

This workshop will explore the importance of partnerships and walk you through effective methods of creating one and who the players are to help your business and the tourism industry grow.

Phil Casey has over 20 years of effective partnership-building experience and will share his knowledge and best practices in this hour-long workshop.


Government Relations

Dive deep into the essentials of government relations with our comprehensive Government Relations 101 workshop. Designed to demystify engaging with the political landscape, it is an indispensable resource for newcomers and experienced practitioners aiming to refine their skills. Participants will learn the critical art of building and nurturing strategic relationships with key policymakers, stakeholders, and government officials, essential for advancing any organization’s objectives. Gain a robust understanding of the legislative process and discover how to influence these mechanisms to favour your agenda.

Our workshop also focuses on crafting persuasive messaging that resonates with governmental audiences, ensuring your voice is heard in the corridors of power. We will equip participants with the tools to navigate complex regulatory environments, ensuring compliance while identifying advocacy opportunities. Embark on this enlightening journey into the heart of government relations and transform your capacity to impact the legislative landscape.

Troy Young has over 25 years of direct and indirect government experience, working on both sides of the advocacy environment, and will share his knowledge and expertise in this hour-long workshop.


Working With the Social Influencing Market

Dive into the dynamic world of travel marketing at our exclusive workshop designed to empower businesses and marketers with the skills to effectively collaborate with travel influencers. In today’s digital age, content creators are reshaping how destinations and experiences are marketed, offering unparalleled opportunities for authentic engagement and audience growth.

This hands-on workshop will guide you through:

Identifying and Partnering with the Right Influencers: Learn how to find influencers whose followers align with your target audience, ensuring a natural and impactful collaboration.

Crafting Win-Win Collaborations: Master creating mutually beneficial partnerships that deliver value to your brand and the influencers you work with.

Measuring Success: Understand the metrics that matter.

Creative Content Strategies: Unlock the secrets to generating content that resonates with practical tips on crafting campaigns that captivate and convert.

Whether you are new to influencer marketing or looking to refine your approach, this workshop will equip you with the knowledge and tools to leverage the power of travel influencers, transforming your marketing strategies and setting your brand on the path to global recognition. Join us and start turning influencer collaborations into your strongest asset!

Kate March has over 16 years experience in maximizing online visibility with limited resources, showcasing her ability to navigate and leverage the digital landscape for optimal promotional gain and will share her knowledge in this hour-long workshop.


Sales Workshops

Learn the art of persuasive selling, understand customer needs, and master the techniques that convert inquiries into bookings. Our sales workshops focus on effective communication, upselling, and cross-selling, helping your team to increase revenue and achieve business goals.

Phil Casey has over 20 years of direct sales experience and will share his knowledge and best practices in this hour-long workshop.


Drive and Inspire: Motivation Strategies for Tourism Leaders

Energize your leadership skills with our “Drive and Inspire: Motivation Strategies for Tourism Leaders” workshop. This three-hour session offers tourism managers and prospective managers a comprehensive toolkit to foster high-performing teams and cultivate a culture of motivation and engagement.


Dive into proven strategies that enhance team morale and productivity, facilitated through interactive discussions, real-world applications, and breakout sessions designed to hone your leadership abilities. Learn to recognize and reward efforts effectively, set achievable goals, and communicate expectations and appreciation with clarity and impact.


Join us for an enriching experience that promises not only to inspire but also to equip you with the practical skills needed to lead with confidence and creativity. Elevate your management style, inspire your team, and achieve new heights in your career. Reserve your spot today and prepare to transform the way you lead!

Troy Young has led Attractions Ontario for over 20 years, as well as being a past small business owner.  Attractions Ontario has won the coveted Tourism Employer of the Year award twice and has had no senior level turnover in over 19 years.  Troy also teaches these skills at the York University School of Administrative Studies.


Mastering Strategy: Unlocking Success with the Balanced Scorecard

Unlock the potential of your business with our one-hour workshop on the Balanced Scorecard method. This strategic tool revolutionizes how organizations align their business activities with their vision and strategy, enhancing communication and monitoring performance against strategic goals.

Join us for a concise yet comprehensive introduction to the Balanced Scorecard framework. This session equips business leaders and managers with the knowledge to implement this powerful tool in their operations. Discover how to transform abstract strategic initiatives into actionable metrics that drive success.


What You Will Learn:

Fundamentals of the Balanced Scorecard: Understand the key components of the framework, including financial, customer, business process, and learning and growth perspectives.

Aligning Strategy with Operations: Learn how to connect your organization’s overarching objectives with day-to-day operations, ensuring everyone is moving in the same direction.

Improving Performance Measurement: Discover how to use the Balanced Scorecard to measure what truly matters, track performance effectively, and identify areas for improvement.

Case Studies: Explore real-world examples of how businesses have successfully implemented the Balanced Scorecard to spur growth, refine strategy, and enhance competitive advantage.

This workshop is ideal for those looking to deepen their strategic management skills and for businesses aiming to implement a robust framework for performance management and strategic alignment. Transform your strategic initiatives into a clear and actionable roadmap with the Balanced Scorecard.

Troy Young instituted the Balanced Scorecard at Attractions Ontario over 8 years ago and it has proven beneficial to the organization.  Troy also teaches about the Balanced Scorecard at the York University School of Administrative Studies


Other Services


Strategic Plan Facilitation

Revitalize your non-profit’s strategic direction with our structured Strategic Plan Review process for clarity, engagement, and actionable outcomes. Here’s our approach:

  1. Preparation: We start with a comprehensive preparation phase. We set objectives and collect all necessary documentation to ensure a foundation for informed decision-making.
  2. Engagement: We engage with your board of directors, members, and key stakeholders through consultations, surveys, and workshops to gather diverse insights and perspectives for a holistic review.
  3. Analysis: Leveraging a detailed analysis of your organization’s performance against the current plan, we assess the relevance of existing goals in today’s context and conduct a SWOT analysis to understand internal and external factors.
  4. Strategic Development: Working with your board of directors and senior staff, we refine strategic goals and develop realistic strategies and actions based on our findings. This phase includes setting clear metrics and timelines for achieving outlined objectives.
  5. Implementation Planning: We craft a detailed implementation plan, assigning responsibilities and resources to transition the strategic goals from plan to practice.
  6. Approval and Adoption: The revised strategic plan is presented to the board for approval. The Board assigns the staff the task of adopting and communicating the new plan to stakeholders.


Our process ensures your non-profit’s strategic plan is relevant, robust, actionable, and aligned with your mission.

Troy Young has over 27 years of non-profit management experience, both from a staff and board member role, having been a director, treasurer, Vice-Chair and Chair on many boards.  He has taken part in and lead strategic plan developments for a variety of organizations for over two decades.


Business Plan Facilitation:

Jumpstart your tourism venture or refine your existing business model with our Business Plan Facilitation service. We provide high-level strategic guidance to help you create a robust business plan that aligns with your vision and goals. Our facilitation process involves:

Strategic Assessment: Evaluating your current operations and objectives to establish a clear strategic direction.

Goal Setting: Defining precise, actionable goals that drive your business forward.

Plan Development: Collaborating with you to outline a comprehensive plan that addresses key components, such as market analysis, financial projections, and growth strategies.

Refinement Sessions: Offering sessions to refine and perfect the plan, ensuring it meets your needs and industry standards.

This service is ideal for tourism entrepreneurs looking to lay a sound foundation for their business with a clear and effective plan that’s ready for implementation.

Troy Young has led Attractions Ontario for over 20 years, as well as being a past small business owner.  He instituted the first annual business plan in Attractions Ontario’s history almost two decades ago.


Marketing Scan Service

Looking to understand where your tourism business stands in the competitive landscape? Small tourism enterprises can use our Marketing Scan service to gain a competitive edge. We provide a detailed analysis of your current marketing efforts, compare them with your competitors, and identify opportunities for growth and improvement. By understanding your position in the market, you can make informed decisions to enhance your visibility, engage more effectively with your audience, and boost your bookings. Let us help you uncover the insights you need to outshine the competition.

This is a full team service, lead by our competent staff with collectively over 60 years direct tourism marketing experience.


Enhance Your Business Strategy with Exclusive Access to Our Comprehensive Consumer Database

At Attractions Ontario, we’re excited to offer businesses the unique opportunity to access our extensive consumer database. This paid service gives you the detailed insights you need to make informed decisions and tailor your marketing strategies.

Our consumer database has up-to-date, actionable data across various demographics. Whether you’re looking to understand market trends, identify potential customers, or refine your target marketing efforts, our database is a crucial tool to elevate your business planning and execution.

Key Benefits Include:

Targeted Marketing Insights: use our detailed consumer profiles to enhance your marketing accuracy and engagement.

Data-Driven Decision-Making: Leverage comprehensive data analytics to support strategic business decisions and improve outcomes.

Competitive Advantage: Stay ahead of the curve by accessing information that gives you an edge in your market.

Subscribing to our service provides you with valuable data and supports our non-profit mission. By choosing Attractions Ontario, you contribute to our ongoing efforts to grow Ontario’s tourism industry.

Ready to transform your business approach with precise data at your fingertips? Contact us today to learn more about our subscription plans and how you can benefit from our consumer database.


Cost varies based on workshop or service chosen, please fill out the form for more info!