Left to Right: Derek Edwards, Interim Director of the TRCA Foundation, Paul Yannuzzi, Wildlife Biologist, Toronto Zoo, Rick Vos, Acting Curator of Amphibians & Reptiles, Toronto Zoo, Crystal Robertson, Stewardship Coordinator, Toronto Zoo, John MacKenzie, CEO TRCA. Photo Credit: TRCA
The Adopt-A-Pond Wetland Conservation Programme (AAP) is the recent recipient of a Living City Impact Award, which recognizes outstanding groups and individuals for initiatives that enrich communities in Toronto and Region Conservation Authority’s (TRCA) jurisdiction and help advance its mandate. The award was in the Greenspace and Biodiversity category, which relates to land securement and management, ecological restoration, parks management, species monitoring and invasive species management.
Toronto Zoo is located on TRCA lands in the Rouge watershed and shares conservation messaging that ties closely into TRCA’s mission. AAP has partnered with TRCA on many projects since 1999 including habitat restoration, outreach, and releasing 165 head-start Blanding’s turtles into Rouge National Urban Park. AAP and TRCA continue to work closely, rehabilitating habitat for wetland wildlife and working on an eco-passage project to mitigate the deadly effects of roads on wildlife.
CLICK HERE to learn about how Toronto Zoo’s Adopt-A-Pond Wetland Conservation Programme