SheepDog Animation
A One-of-the-kind experience for students grade 6-12 with hands on learning.
After first arriving to the studio, students will be introduced and given a tour through our history of animation gallery. We will take students back to the mid 1800’s to view technology and items that have significantly influenced and formed the animation and entertainment industry. After the tour, we will introduce students to stop motion animation through prepared excises and post-production. Students will gain enough knowledge from this period to be able to create their own short animated film that will be screened in our studio theatre at the end of the day.
CONTACT: Paul Kriz –
LOCATION: 10 Wyman Rd, Unit 5, Waterloo, Ontario, N2V 1K7
GRADES 6 to 12
Min Group Size: 16 Participants
Max Group Size: 30 Participants
Length: 4 hours
Subject Areas: Animation, Illustration, History of Animation, Film, and Sound