
Museum Windsor

Museum Windsor’s two locations, the François Baby House and the Chimczuk Museum, offer curriculum and inquiry-based programs that can be tailored to fit your classroom needs.

The Chimczuk Museum houses bilingual permanent exhibits on the history of the Windsor area, the Original Peoples Culture and Legacy, and features a Children’s Gallery with opportunities for hands-on learning.

The François Baby House, a National Historic Site, houses permanent galleries on Francophone Heritage, the War of 1812, and the Battle of Windsor.

Programming activities include guided tours, artifact interpretation, crafts, scavenger hunts, seniors’ programs and customized programming. Bilingual programs available.

CONTACT: Matt Pritchard | 519-253-1812
Chimczuk Museum
, 401 Riverside Drive West, Windsor ON N9A 7J1
François Baby House, 254 Pitt Street West, Windsor ON N9A 5L5


Min Group Size: 15 Min Charge
Max Group Size: 75
Length: 2 Hours
Subject Areas: Local Windsor-Essex History