
The Museum of Lennox and Addington


The Museum of Lennox and Addington provides insights into everyday life from the late eighteenth through to present day and focuses particularly on telling the story of Lennox and Addington County. We curate collections and exhibitions to connect people to the past through dynamic story telling, research and programming to foster reflection, meaning and hope for the future. The Museum, an 1864 limestone building, was, until 1971, the county jail. The Museum’s rotating exhibits highlight local history from prehistoric times to the present. The artifacts collection contains approximately 10,000 items including prehistory artifacts, furniture, clothing, toys, glass, ceramics, tools and household goods. In 2012, the museum assumed operations for the Macpherson House, an 1826 historic house. This historic setting is used to tell the story of our county pre-confederation and is open during July and August only. The Museum houses the County Archives– substantial archival holdings documenting county history, as well as genealogical files for those who want to find their personal connection to the past.


Operating Hours:

Museum – Monday-Saturday, 10am-5pm (excluding long weekend Saturdays and Mondays)

Archives & Reading Room – Monday-Friday, 10am-12pm & 1-4pm

General Admission: $3 (ages under 12 are free)
